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Challenge templates
Written by Josh Robinette
Updated over 11 months ago

When creating a challenge in Crowdicity, you can choose to base it on an existing template. This greatly speeds up the process of challenge creation as funnels, milestones and settings can be created instantly from the chosen template.

In this article:

  • Selecting and using a template

  • Creating your own templates

  • Editing existing templates

  • Deleting templates

Selecting and using a template

Every Crowdicity community ships with a standard set of templates you can use for your new challenges. To create a challenge using a template:

  1. In Challenge Management select Create a new challenge

  2. The first two options are for creating a blank challenge or cloning an existing one. The rest are templates you can use. However over each of them to find one that might suit your purposes. It will expand to show you more information.

  3. When you see a template you like, click use this to see more details.

  4. You'll be presented with a detailed breakdown of the template's options, including any milestones or phases it contains.

  5. At this point, you can click cancel to close this and return to the template list. If you want to proceed with this template, you have two options. Customise will allow you to edit the challenge, in case you want to change any of the settings provided by the template. Create Now will immediately create the challenge with these settings. You can still edit the challenge at any time just like any other, to make changes.

However you proceed, Customise and Create Now will both give you a challenge you can edit as normal. Once created, a challenge made from a template will be the same as any other challenge, and is not directly linked to it's template. You can edit the challenge as much as you like without affecting the template.

Creating your own templates

As an admin, you can create as many templates as you like. This can be useful if you want to specify a certain process that all your challenges should follow.

To create a template, edit any challenge as normal, and in the bottom left of the screen you'll see a "Save as template" button.

Clicking this button will bring up a box where you can enter the details of the templates.

When you have entered the details and clicked Save, your new template will be available in the list the next time any admins creates a challenge.

Editing existing templates

While it's not possible to update existing templates, you can create a challenge from any template, make changes, and then save that as a new template. If the source template was one you created, you can delete it, effectively replacing the old version with your newer one.

Deleting templates

You can delete any template except the standard ones that come with the community. To do this, use the bin icon that appears when you hover over a template.

Deleting a template has no effect on any challenges created using it.

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