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Adding a full description
Written by Josh Robinette
Updated over 11 months ago

The full description is an opportunity for you to provide more details about a challenge: the kind of ideas you want, any relevant background information, the timeline for your challenge, etc. The full description will be shown under the "more details" button on the challenge page.

To open the full description editor:

  1. Go to Challenge Management, find the challenge that you would like to change

  2. Click edit to bring up the challenge set-up options

  3. On the first tab, find and expand the "add full description" option

There are a range of rich text formatting options that you can use in the full description:

  • Bold and Italics

  • Headers

  • Bulleted and numbered lists

  • Links

  • Images

If you would like to add a video to a challenge, you can either upload a video in the media and files section or you can embed a video into the full description using a service such as YouTube or Vimeo. If you attach the video, users will have to download it before they can watch it. If you use YouTube or Vimeo, you will need to embed an iframe code for the video into the page.

For more information about embedding content such as videos, please see our guide to using iframes.

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