Gamification is the feature that allows you to assign points to actions that users perform on the platform. Actions that gain points are those such as submitting an idea, or commenting or voting on an idea that has been posted.
We would recommend that you leave gamification switched on as our experience shows that you will have better engagement from your users if they are earning points, even if you don't offer a physical reward.
We do understand though that there may be occasions when it wouldn't be appropriate to have users earning points for their ideas/comments/etc.
Removing gamification from your Crowdicity platform
If you would like to remove all references to user points from your Crowdicity platform, un-tick the box next to Show user scores, ranking and leaderboard and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Un-ticking this box will remove reference to points that users earn from:
The leaderboard on the home page
Leaderboards in challenges
Points and ranking from user profiles
Points in notification emails
The overall community leaderboard
If you want to know more about gamification and how you can tailor it in your Crowdicity community, you can find more information in our guide to Understanding gamification in Crowdicity.